As for Paul, he is having a very busy time right now. He's teaching this semester, scheduling visits to area high school math classes to encourge students to continue with math in college, organizing a team for the COMAP undergrad modeling contest, doing research and interviewing. This week he went to Coker College in South Carolina for an interview. He really liked the school and the town and all of the people he met. The interview went well, and hopefully we will hear more from them in the coming weeks. Next week, he is off to interview at James Madison University in Virgina, where he went as an undergrad.
As for me, I spend my days chasing Natalie and playing with her. Tucson has a fabulous mom's group that has so many activities. So Natalie and I try to do things with them as much as possible. We had a playdate yesterday at our house. 6 of Natalie's friends and their moms came over for some playing and running. Everyone had a great time. We also go to Mover and Shakers, the gymnastics class through the parks and rec department. Natalie loves just running around and playing with the balls. Today we are off to Gymboree and then I am heading out for some Mom's only time. Should be a nice break after being home with Natalie alone for the past 3 days. My back is doing better. Still going to physical therapy for it and learning how to do things in a way that will hopefully prevent any further back pain.
Well, I guess that just about does it for the Dosterts this week. We have a full weekend planned. We are going for a Brazilian lunch tomorrow at our friends', Micheline's and Paul's, house and then we are going to a wine tasting with our gourmet dinner group.