Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pump It Up - Round 2

Paul got to go with us to Pump It Up today. Sorry the pictures are a little blurry but it hard to get clear pictures when Natalie is running and sliding and playing! At least now those of you who have never been will have a better understanding of what Pump It Up is all about.

Sundress Pictures

It was actually almost 90 here last week so Natalie got to wear her first sundress of the year!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

First Trip to the Dentist and New Toys

So Natalie had her first trip to the dentist today. Lots of tears from apprehension but she did really great! Sat in my lap and then the dentist took her head in her lap. Got her teeth checked, brushed, flossed and a fluoride treatment. Everything looked great! Note the "I was brave" tooth sticker on her shirt!

Also her new toy came in the mail today. We got her a big tunnel/tent thing to play in. And by big, I mean BIG! MUCH bigger than we thought! Guess we should have paid more attention to the listed dimensions. Natalie LOVES it! Enjoy the pictures!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pajama Days

The stomach flu kept us in the house for 3 days so we had a few days where we all stayed in our pajamas.  Here are some cute Natalie pics in her jammies!  There are a few more posted on her picture website: Natalie's pictures  As you can see in the pictures, her new favorite thing to do is pull out EVERY toy from her toy bins.   And we get to clean them all up at night when she goes to bed since she hasn't yet learned how to put things back in their bins!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Pump It Up

Today Natalie and I ventured out to Pump It Up.  It was our first time to go, and I think I got more of a workout than she did.  For those who don't know what Pump It Up is, it is a giant playland composed of inflatable things to slide down, climb up, jump around and run it.  Basically it is a crazy bounce house playscape.  Natalie didn't like the obstacle course much but she loved the bounce house.  She thought it was fun to run around in there...she hasn't figured out how to jump yet.  But she LOVED the giant slide.  it's probably 15 feet tall and she even went down once by herself.  The other times we rode down together.  I even took Natalie's friend Claire down a few times.  I think I went down the slide about 15 times...the most vigorous part of it is climbing up the inflatable steps to get the top of the slide.  Needless to say, I was sweaty and exhausted when our hour and a half were up.  We'll definitely go back but I think Daddy will need to come too!  Forgot our camera so no pictures this time!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Picture Update

Here are a few new pictures of Natalie.  I've posted a lot more on her photo website.  Feel free to see more pictures of her at Natalie pics.   The Feb 09 and Mar 09 albums are both new pictures.  She is growing and learning so much every day.  We are constantly amazed and amused by the things she learns.  This week Daddy taught her to snort like a pig!  It's hilarious to hear!  We took some video of her too.  I'll try to post it soon.  For now, enjoy the pictures.

Ballerina Natalie in her outfit from Gillian and Vic Coulson.

Riding in the grocery cart at Basha's.

Playing with Daddy's gnome.  Mommy bought me one of my own...will have to get pictures with it soon.

Playing in the bubbles with Mommy.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Here's some pics of Natalie with the birthday boy!