Poor Natalie still has her double ear infections. So on top of having to go for 2 rounds of antibiotic shots this week and having to do another round of oral antibiotics, today she woke up groggy and puny. We went out for lunch with Paul's work and Natalie started running on a fever. So we've been keeping a close eye on her. Of course, she has never run a fever before and Mommy is going out of town on Monday to go close on the house, so Natalie had to get sick! Hopefully she will be better tomorrow so I won't feel so guilty leaving her! The first set of pictures were taken yesterday (July 3rd) when she was in a better mood because we had been to Pump It Up. We went over to the Krause's for dinner last night so Natalie wore a pretty little dress. The final picture shows her in her cute 4th of July dress but feeling pretty poorly. Ended up just letting her run around in a pair of shorts to try to get her temperature down. Hope everyone else had a nice 4th. We're off to watch the fireworks on TV!!!

So excited after Pump It Up
Rock Star Sunglasses
Pretty Princess Dress for Dinner
Natalie's new favorite expression..when I do it back to her,
she gets laughing so hard she can't do it anymore...hilarious!!
Feeling poorly on 4th of July