Here is our Christmas card picture for this year!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Stats Update
Natalie is currently at 30 lbs. Only took her 4 years to hit this weight. We think she is about 38 inches tall. Fiona is 5.5 weeks old and weighs 9lbs, 14.5 ounces. She is about 22 inches long. Natalie has to get her 4 year shots this week. NOT looking forward to this. Paul has been prepping her that they are coming. Sadly I remember getting my 4 year shots and they hurt so really not looking forward to Monday. Fiona has either reflux or colic! We went to the doctor yesterday and they put her on some Zantac to see if that helps her tummy a bit. We are hoping to reduce the screaming. Of course, if it is colic we just have to wait it out.
Here is our Christmas card picture for this year!
Here is our Christmas card picture for this year!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
We have a 4 year old!
Natalie celebrated her birthday in style with Mom and Dad! We opened one present every hour or so, making for an entire day of gifts. She got her first pair of roller skates!! The next day she had her party at our church. The kids were able to play on the playground, eat snacks and cake, watch Natalie open gifts and just run around! Overall it was a good birthday for her. She got an insane amount of gifts and has been enjoying them ever since. Here are a few pictures of the birthday girl! (This post was delayed due to Mommy getting 5 migraines in the days following her party).
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Fiona's Birth
Fiona Elizabeth Dostert joined our family on November 1, 2011 or (11.01.11 - a nice binary birthday) at 12:03pm. She surprised us all by weighing 7lb and 10 ounces (we were thinking 6.5 lbs) and was a whopping 21 inches long. Mom was only in labor for 6 hrs with about 1/2 an hour of pushing. She is just as beautiful as her big sister Natalie. She is a very content baby so far and definitely a better eater than Miss Natalie was at this stage. We came home on Thursday and are adjusting to being a family of four. Natalie is having some issues with wanting only Daddy to play with her, especially if he is holding Fiona and has been feeling a little neglected we think (even though we have been doing lots of fun things with her since we came home). Hopefully we will all get use to this new normal soon and get into a good routine. Here are a few pictures to enjoy!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
No more bedrest restrictions! No more blood sugar checks! Went to the doctor yesterday and since I am past 37 weeks, I can stop doing both of those. So basically whenever Fiona is ready to come, no one is going to stop her!! Plus I finally got a real check-up yesterday since I saw my own doctor. 2cm dilated and 60% effaced. She still hasn't moved down any further but I am hoping with being able to get up and walk around, that those numbers will change again before I go back to the doctor on Monday. He also mentioned that he might induce me around October 27th!!! Would love that. I am so ready to meet Fiona and NOT be pregnant anymore. This pregnancy has been so much harder (physically) for me than Natalie's. I think I've had just about every possible pregnancy symptom this time around. Will keep ya posted!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Bedrest Sucks
So...for all of you who think bedrest sounds great (I thought this until recently!!), it actually sucks. Sure, you get to sit on the couch or lie in bed all day, BUT who likes daytime television? There are only so many times you can watch home improvement shows or reruns of reruns of shows like Law and Order before you get really bored. Even movies are getting boring (plus my parents are here and we have REALLY different taste in movies). Then there is the physical side of it. Sitting with your feet up all day puts strain on your hips and butt. And then when you stand up, all those muscles and tendons and ligaments in your legs protest to being under weight again.
And then there is the most surprising part of being on bedrest. First let me say that I have been on modified bedrest so I can get up to go to the bathroom, take a shower, walk between rooms, etc but cannot stand up for the time it would take to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. So short spurts of standing. So what is this big surprise? Aside from getting a contraction immediately upon standing, you get short of breath REALLY REALLY easily. Who woulda thunk? I feel like I've run a marathon just trying to shower and often have to sit for a while before finishing things like brushing my hair or teeth after a shower. SERIOUSLY!!! And it takes a while to recover and to get my heart rate back to normal. Was not prepared for this at all!
So, finally, I had another dr's appt yesterday. NOT IMPRESSED. Didn't see my doctor but one of his partners. Did not even check me. Measured my tummy. Said I was suddenly measuring small which could mean Fiona is lower or that my amniotic fluid could be low. Said my doctor might do an ultrasound...NEXT WEEK! Then she had no clue how far along I was and I am pretty sure she never even looked at my chart before coming in to the room. REALLY REALLY hope she isn't the one who ends up delivering Fi. My doctor said he makes every effort to deliver his own patients but they rotate OB patients through the other partners just in case. UGH!!!
I'll leave you with a 36 week picture:
Monday, October 3, 2011
Dr's Report
I have no idea how many days of bedrest I've had. It's been a week so 7 or 8 I guess. Baby shower was really nice yesterday. We got lots of nice things for Miss Fiona from the ladies at church along with a few other friends who had dropped gifts by or mailed them. Went to the doctor today. Still not dilated but 50% effacement and she's at -2 station. Dr really wants me to go to 37 weeks (so another week and a half) but we will see what God and Fiona have on their agenda. I am still on bedrest (ugh!). Getting lots of sewing done and catching up on Downton Abbey. Loving streaming Netflix right now and a Blu-ray player that can handle it!
Natalie has a boyfriend! He goes to school with her and his name is Landon. They were holding hands at school on Friday! Seems like both girls are gonna be a handful for their Daddy in about 13 years (if not sooner!)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Days 5 & 6
Not a whole lot to report. The weather here is absolutely gorgeous at 64 degrees and I am stuck inside so Paul opened the windows for me to get some fresh air. (I haven't been out of the house since Wednesday morning). The pasta dinner went really well and raised way more money than we anticipated for Natalie's school. Our new TV FINALLY arrived (in one piece this time) and is great! My dad showed up today so we have all bases covered for whenever Fiona decides to come. Tomorrow is my baby shower; hopefully, Fiona won't come before then! And finally Miss Fiona has dropped so I can take a deep breath again. It feels weird after 2 months of being short of breath!
Friday, September 30, 2011
B.R Day 4
Pretty much an uneventful day. Spent most of it on the couch until I started getting really bad indigestion and a few contractions so back to my bed I went. I discovered that I get a contraction every time I stand up so bedrest is definitely where I need to be! I had at least 8 contractions over the day but most were just from standing up to go to the bathroom or to switch rooms. Natalie is still a bit confused why I can't get up to play or get her some juice, but I think she is adapting well to this change. We just keep telling her that Baby Fi is making it so that Mommy needs to rest a lot. Tomorrow is the big pasta dinner at church. Hoping that everything goes well. Really glad that we were able to help Natalie's school raise so much money but I will be happy when Paul's stress level can go back down. Then he can just come home and relax!!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
B.R. Day 3
Rough night sleeping last night due to the fact that I basically laid down all day yesterday. Went to the doctor this morning after having a few contractions. Basically still only having contractions but no other signs of labor. Still on modified bedrest but he said I could walk around the house a bit and can go to my baby shower on Sunday at the church. Have to go back again on Monday for another check. Hoping we can make it a few weeks longer but we are at the point where there isn't really much that any medicine that would stop labor could do that would be more beneficial than harmful. So hopefully my contractions will stay only a few a day (had 2 all day yesterday). If they get more frequent and closer together, then it is back to the hospital.
Update: Ended up having 7 contractions over the day. Not too bad. As long as they stay that infrequent, everything is ok! Paul is just hoping she hangs in there through tomorrow night since he is cooking dinner for 140 people as part of a fundraiser for Natalie's school! Natalie is having a blast with her Nana! It is so hard to not be able to do much with her. We did some crafts yesterday from the couch but I can't even brush her teeth or put her to bed so it is an adjustment for all of us. Apparently the fact that I had a positive result on this preterm labor test means I am more likely to have her in the next 2 weeks. So we may meet her sooner than we thought which means she will be smaller than we thought!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Bed Rest Day 2
Got a good night's sleep last night! Don't remember waking up due to contractions so hopefully that means I didn't have any. Hips were very sore from being in bed all day so woke up several times from that. Poor Paul spent the morning running around like a chicken with his head cut off. He had to get breakfast for all of us (which means cooking eggs for me due to my gestational diabetes) and get himself ready and Nat ready and anything that I needed. Then he took Natalie to school and came back to keep me company for a while. Mom should be here soon! I've spent the morning either on the couch or in bed watching TV and working on a Christmas stocking for my friend's little boy. Hoping this means I get more time to work on it! Paul has to take Natalie to get a flu shot this afternoon. YUCK! Feel so disconnected from life today. I miss picking Natalie up from school and hearing about her day. I miss picking her up period. And it is hard to explain to a 3.5 yr old that Mommy can't get up to help with anything, including tooth brush, bed time, etc. Hopefully this will get easier for all of us.
Update: Mom got here and helped out with Natalie. Her flu shot went well and now that is one less thing to worry about! Having a hard time staying on the couch or in bed though.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Bed Rest Day 1
So I woke up at 1:30 this morning with awful pain in my stomach - like the organ not my intestines. Figured it was heartburn or indigestion since it was so far under my ribs. Would cramp up and release but figured there was NO WAY it was Miss Fiona. Called my dr's office when they opened and they managed to fit me in an hour later. Told him what was going on. Had my normal check-up with Fiona measuring at 35 weeks (actual gestational age was 34 weeks, 3 days) and my blood pressure was nice and low. Decided to do a pelvic exam. He told me that my cervix was still closed (yay!) but that he had felt me have a contraction. Said he thought maybe the pain was my gall bladder. Since I got rid of mine in 1999, that seemed highly unlikely!!
Instead I got my first glimpse of the labor and delivery floor at our hospital. They hooked me up to a monitor that measures fetal heartrate, uterine contractions, and all that fun stuff! After a million questions, they left me watch TV and Paul (who had been teaching) finished up his classes and came to keep me company. (I told him to finish his classes since I knew I wasn't in "real" labor yet!)
2 hrs of monitoring later, they told me that I had tested positive on the fetal fibronectin test which indicated preterm labor. Also I had four REAL contractions in an hr of monitoring and had earned myself bedrest! Luckily I didn't have 6 of them or I would have had bedrest in the hospital. So I was sent home with directions to only get out of bed (or the recliner or couch) to go the bathroom or take a fast shower.
So I spent the rest of the day watching TV and lying down. As most of you know, I am not a sit-still kinda person so this has been a hard day. Luckily, I am also a prepare-ahead person so Fiona's room is done, bags are almost completely packed for hospital, carseat is in the car, and we are ready whenever Fiona is!
Hoping to make it through the Cowboys game tonight but not sure I can stay awake. My mom is flying in tomorrow to help out and Dad will drive out once we know for sure what is going on. I go back to the doctor on Wednesday for another check-up. The contractions have slowed to 1-2 per hr so hopefully Fiona will stay in the womb and bit more and grow a bit more. I'd love to make it to at least 37 weeks.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Fiona's Nursery
With the exception of a few things here and there, we have gotten Fiona's room all ready for her arrival. 95% of the room is just recycled furniture and decorations from Natalie's room when she was a baby (and one of the night tables that matches Paul's and my bedroom set). The rocking chair was my great-grandmother's. My girls are the 4th generation to be rocked in it. Still need to add a TV in there for me when I am feeding her and some other odds and ends but I LOVE the way it turned out. Here are some pictures:
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Baby Moon
Paul and I went away to Charleston this past weekend as a last weekend before we have 2 little ones. I still have 7.5 weeks to go but you just never know! We rested Friday night and went out to eat at a place called the Charleston Crab House. We didn't know it when we made our reservations to go to Charleston, but it was restaurant week so we had lots of fun choices of dinners at cheaper prices.
Saturday we started out at a wonderful little cafe with really good food! (We even went bakc for breakfast there again on Sunday). We then explored the Old Market in downtown and picked up a few Christmas presents (I have a baby coming between now and Christmas, remember?). Then we took a one hour tour of Charleston in a carriage. It was really nice and we got to see so much of Charleston without wearing out this preggo. We then checked out a park that was right on the water before heading back to our room to rest and watch a little football. We ventured out later for a FAB.U.LOUS dinner at Carolina's restaurant. My steak was so tender it basically melted in your mouth. I snuck a few bites of the dessert - a pecan praline basket that held ice cream, hot fudge and fruit. We then headed back to that park for a few pictures.
Sunday we did breakfast and then went to Trader Joe's. Can never pass up a trip there if we are near one. We came back up well-rested (we slept til 8:30 BOTH DAYS!!!) and were delighted that Natalie had had a wonderful time with my parents all weekend.
Monday, August 22, 2011
First day of 3K
So Natalie starts 3K today! And it is the last first day of school with only one child!!!! Baby Fiona will be here in about 10 weeks.
Good-bye kiss from Daddy!
Friday, August 19, 2011
So the only thing worse that your child having a fever (and no other symptoms) for 3 days, is the fact that you are basically quarantined to your house for that long (at least). We have been in the house ALL week. And by in the house, I mean, it is too hot to go outside, not to mention they are replacing the siding on our house from the hail damage so there are nails and hammering and all sorts of things keeping us inside. And it is LOUD!!!! And things are falling off the walls from the hammering. We have only left to go to the doctor to make sure Natalie didn't have an ear infection or strep. And then there is the sleeping! Or lack thereof. Waking up at 2 or 3 am to a toddler with a fever of 103 can only be made worse when she wants your preggo self to crawl into bed with her and "sleep" in her bed. And Natalie is a roller/kicker/talker. So the first night I was up with her for 3 hrs before she went back to sleep and the 2nd night, after an hr and a half, I got up and Paul volunteered to go in. I GLADLY accepted. I love my child. I am EXTREMELY sorry she was sick and not feeling well, but throw in a cranky, sore, tired preggo lady and being stuck in the house just SUCKS!!
Thankfully, she has been fever-free for 24 hours so we were FINALLY able to go to the grocery store. And visit Daddy on campus for a few minutes. I'm not the only one who felt trapped by the way. Natalie cried the whole way home because she didn't want to go back in the house!!!
Friday, August 12, 2011
7 month comparison

I can't believe I am in my third trimester. The first one seemed incredibly long with the morning sickness but the second flew right by. 12 more weeks til we meet Miss Fiona.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Litchfield Beach
Hangin' out in a Hole
Friday, July 22, 2011
I have joined the craziness. Haven't hit the obsession stage yet but I am sure it will come! Still learning the ropes and starting to find things that will go on my boards. If you wanna invite, let me know!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
It's a weight thing....
So I started my pregnancy with Fiona at 4 lbs over what I started with Natalie. I had been working really hard to lose weight before I got pregnant. Then I got morning sickness and ended up losing 8 more lbs. As of today's weigh-in at home, I am now 5 lbs over where I started with this pregnancy at 24 weeks. Not too bad actually. So in my mind I am only at a 5 lb gain (13 if you measure from where I was at my lowest!!). So I am hoping that the weight will come off a bit easier with this pregnancy than the last. I feel 10 times bigger already but that is really only 5 lbs. This is probably crazy rambling but I also have pregnesia and am still waking up several times a night with Natalie that leads to some insomnia so that leads to lots of crazy thoughts! Bear with me....I only have 16 weeks to go!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Fiona's Room
We've started painting her room! Paul got all the walls painted a pale pink this weekend. Yesterday we taped out the block wall and plan on painting it tomorrow while Natalie is at school. I will post up some pictures of the room's progress soon, but here is what the room looked like as a playroom. (This picture is from when we moved here and that is why Natalie is so little in it! But oh so cute!!)
Here are pictures of the room in progress. We got all the blocks painted last night but painter's tape is evil and even though we bought the expensive stuff, the paint bled through and/or pulled up (even though we pulled the tape off when the paint was still wet). So we have some touch-up work around the borders. Oh well!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Confessions (stolen from Julie)
So my friend Julie had a list of confessions today so I am following in her footsteps.
- I'm feeling life a failure as a mother this week. Natalie has been pee trained for months and did completely fine with this while on our trip to Texas last week. This week she has been fine at school but at home is constantly wetting her pants outta nowhere. She also has stopped sleeping through the night, waking us up at about 2 every morning and either screaming and crying if we don't go in her room or tossing and turning for 2 hrs if we go in there. So we are all sleep-deprived and exhausted. NO CLUE how to fix either of these things or how to deal with them.
- I'm very excited for Baby #2's arrival but after this week, I am really doubting whether or not I will be able to handle two since I can't handle one.
- There are days I just want to move away from here to some place with more things to do. Most of the time I like living in a small town, but with most activities at least 30 minutes to an hour away, it sucks. We have no community pool, splash park or anything so I can't even take Natalie for a swim and it is too freakin' hot to go to the park in the afternoons.
- I feel like I have been pregnant for about a year instead of 19 weeks. This morning sickness really did me in.
- We are suppose to go another vacation later this year but after Natalie's crazy reaction to being home after our trip to Texas, I am seriously questioning whether or not we will go.
- I miss my "old" friends. Not that I don't love the friends I have made here, but it isn't the same as being with my old friends. I know they are all busy but I really wish they would come visit. Other than family we haven't had anyone come visit us here. It was so good seeing so many "old" friends when we were in Texas but it has made me miss them more.
Monday, June 6, 2011
It's a GIRL!!
Here are a few pictures of our new little she just needs a name!!

And we're pretty sure she's gonna be an Aggie!!!
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