Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Teeth and Doors

In the past 2 weeks, Natalie has gotten 2 new teeth, with 2 more following closely. She now has the 4 front teeth on the top, and the 4 front teeth on the bottom. The incisor on the left just came through yesterday. She also has her first molar on the bottom right. The one on the bottom left is almost through, along with the canine on the bottom right! Hopefully this will mean that she will start to eat more and more. We are still mostly on the pureed baby foods but she does add new finger foods daily. And she is drinking 99% whole milk, with just one nursing (if any at all) at night.
We plan to cut out the last nursing after our trip to South Carolina.

Natalie has also figured out how to open the doors in our house. She can only go from the hallway into a room since that just requires her to push on the door. She hasn't figured out yet how to pull the doors open. She's also figured out that if she stands on her tiptoes she can reach the counters in the kitchen. Guess it's time to push everything to the center of the counters!