We went to the annual Taste of Coker tonight. It is a food festival put on by Coker and all proceeds go to the Coker Athletics. Natalie had a great time running around on the Coker soccer field, and she even went up to someone on the men's soccer team and kicked the soccer ball for him. Paul and I got to taste some great food including lots of seafood, grits, and dessert! The BEST part of the whole evening was when Natalie decided to stalk the Coker mascot, a Cobra. She followed the mascot all over but if he/she turned around and she saw the face of the snake, she would run away! Too funny! Enjoy the pictures!
Enjoying the soccer net
Stalker Picture #1
Stalker Picture #2
Checking out the grass

Trying to get a bottle of water (we tried to tell her they were out because she kept wanting the bottles and then some guy went and grabbed one so she knew there were more!!)
This picture is for Papa...see Natalie likes playing with the flags too!
Natalie always finds her ways to have plenty of fun! Too cute! xoxo!
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