We were able to go to McBee and Macleod Farms today to pick our pumpkins. It was threatening to rain the whole time so we were lucky to go since they won't let the hayrides go if it is raining. Natalie loved the hayride the best! She kept trying to pick up pumpkins that were WAY too heavy for her! We ended up with two pumpkins..the best part was they were only $0.29 a pound! Enjoy the pictures...there are a lot!

Mommy and Me in front of the Hay Sculptures at the Entrance to the Festival

Loving the Hayride

Looking for the Pumpkin Patch

Are we there yet???

The Pumpkin Patch

Natalie vs the Pumpkin..the Pumpkin won!

Eeny Meeny Miny Moe

Getting a little help from Daddy!

This one might be too heavy!!
Running through the pumpkins

Come on Daddy! This way!

Pumpkin flower (Daddy wanted to fry them up and eat them..yum!)

This one looks good Mommy! (Notice Mommy's choice on the ground)

I'll take this one, Mommy!
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