So it seems that we are seeing the demise of naptime...much to Mommy's dismay. Natalie only naps about once every 4 days now. And she doesn't even play in her room for an hour or anything like that so I could get some stuff done. She screams and kicks the door for the whole hour she is in there. Is it wrong that I wear headphones so I don't have to hear it? Does that make me a neglectful Mom? They are never turned up so loud that I couldn't hear her if she was seriously needing something..mostly she just screams "I see Mommy-Daddy" over and over and over. Yuck! So if your kids are still napping, be GRATEFUL!
Ugh. So painful when nap time is over. Seriously parents don't appreciate it while it lasts. I do the headphones thing with Caroline too. :)
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