Saturday, June 19, 2010

Potty Training..Day 1

So I'd say our first day was a success. We had 8 successes and only 4 accidents. Natalie is starting to understand what is going on, but we still have some ways to go! Paul and I gave her our undivided attention all day, as the method says to do. Paul played lots of Nintendo. And we did lots of stickers. We also made cookies and jingle bell jewelry and goofed off! And she stayed dry through her 2 hr nap. She got a sticker every time she was successful as well as a Toy Story gummy treat or some M&Ms. We're hoping that we stay dry through the night as well..we went potty twice before bed so hopefully that will help. Here are some pictures from our exploits today! Will post up pictures every day and let you know the highlights!

Checkin' out our new diaper-free look

Big Girl Panties ROCK!

Throwing out our diapers...

Yes..we covered the furniture and carpet just in case...

Think she wants to a belly dancer like her Aunt!

We really liked the jingle bell jewelry!

Wearing our glasses on top of our head like Mommy

Yup. I'm a big girl now!

Posing with sunglasses in the mirror

After our 7th sticker, we got a special present..a ring!

End of Day 1 Rockstar Pose


Anonymous said...

I simply cannot decide which pic is the cutest!! Best of luck with the potty training! She really is gorgeous Laura.

Cathy said...

I bet Natty girl will be a breeze to potty train. She's adorable! We miss you gals!!!