Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Where have we been?

So I haven't updated the blog a lot lately. Oops..sorry! Here is what we have been up to for the last few weeks. Last week we got 7 inches of SOUTH CAROLINA...followed by 1/2 an inch of ice. So for 3.5 days we were completely stuck in the house. We couldn't get out of the driveway and the streets weren't plowed. Natalie's school was cancelled for 4 days..leaving Paul and me less time to prepare for our classes (which started this week). When we finally got out of the house, we took Natalie to her 3 year check-up (late I know!!). She is now 25.6 lbs and 35.5 inches tall. She is now in the 25% for height and weight. She also had blood drawn, they attempted to take her blood pressure but she couldn't sit still, and they tried to get her to pee in a cup. Um, we can't get her to pee in the the cup didn't happen!! But since she was just fine and her blood work was normal, they didn't really force the issue.
Paul and I started school this week. Paul is teaching 3 classes and doing 2 seminar classes. I am teaching Statistics this semester. And we are both teaching at the same time this semester..which is new for us! Luckily, it is still during the time when Nat is at school so no babysitting issues. She is still doing gymnastics but after next week, she gets to move up to the next class! Hopefully some other students will join too since we've been the only ones in the class for the last 2 sessions!


Katy Lane said...

I cannot believe they expect a 3 year old to pee in a cup! Do all offices do that? Guess we'll find out in April.