Well, if you are in our household, this weekend will be filled with laundry, cleaning the floors, a stubborn 3 year old, **hopefully** some rewards, and a battle of wills...That's right folks! We are tackling potty training AGAIN this weekend. As a recap, we potty trained, somewhat successfully, back in July. But we then drove 16 hrs in the car in one day and decided that Pull-Ups were fine for the trip....BIG MISTAKE. So we have been in Pull-Ups (rather than diapers) since August. And realistically, I am fed up with paying for them and having to change them! So we are going to attempt the 3 day training again..hopefully sending Natalie to school on Monday at least trained to pee on the potty. (We are not holding our breath for the other just yet). The last time we were all so fed up with each other by the end of it that we SWORE we would never do it again. But here we go!!!
So if you don't see or hear from me on here or FB all weekend, now you know why. And if you see me on Monday and I look like I could strangle someone (no not my precious child) instead of being all lovey-dovey Valentine-y, you know why! Here's hoping we have a smoother time this time!
(Yes this is Natalie trying to climb in the potty when she was about 1.5. We were packing boxes in Tucson and found her in our bathroom, with toilet paper wet and thrown against the glass shower doors, and trying to climb in the potty. If only she tackled potty training with such enthusiasm!!)
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