So we headed to the pediatrician's office. She tested negative for the flu. She had some fluid in one ear but not enough to be considered anything so we left with the diagnosis of a virus and a prescription for some antibiotics if she was still running a fever two days later (just in case it was an ear infection). That night she woke up with a fever of 104. So I spent a good bit of the night in her room with her. Tuesday she was again ok but no appetite and had a fever on and off all day. Same thing that night..high fever and Paul stayed in her room. Same thing Wednesday except Nana slept with her. We did ask her if her ears hurt and she said no. Only complaint she ever had was that her tummy hurt, but then again, she wasn't eating ANYTHING. Thursday she woke up acting better and actually asked for food. She had barely eaten more than a piece of bread up to this point so we thought she was better. We took Nana to the airport since Nat's temp was only 99. She slept in the car on the way back. It is only a 45 minutes flight and this was her third nap in a week (we've had 2 other ones ALL YEAR). Took her temp again at home and it was 103. So more Tylenol and more resting. She went to bed with no fever and woke up once, but no fever.
FINALLY today, no fever to really speak of. Highest we've registered is 99.6. And she seems to be acting a little better. She says her tummy feels better but still not really eating. HOPING HOPING HOPING we are over this virus. Not exactly the Spring Break we planned...see, Natalie's spring break is in April. So Paul and I should have had all morning every day this week to catch up around the house and get ahead for school. not in the cards. Hopefully we can salvage this weekend and do something fun. We are SO glad Nana was here to help out. But we are all exhausted and a little stir crazy from all the time in the house!
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