Thursday, February 5, 2009

Travel, Travel, Travel

Well, Natalie and I are in Silverthorne, Colorado with Nana and Papa (Laura's parents). There is a lot of snow on the ground but we haven't seen any fall yet. I think it is suppose to snow tomorrow and Saturday. Papa has been skiing every day and says it is wonderful skiing and not many people are on the slopes. Nana has a broken arm and can't ski. I am not sure about my back so I'm not skiing either. Instead we are staying at home with Natalie in the mornings and then going shopping in the afternoons! We've hit the outlets 2 days running. Got Natalie a ski jacket and bibs for next year since everything is 70% off.

While we're playing in Colorado, Paul has been in Virginia. He's interviewing with JMU this week. He's having a good time seeing all of his old friends and professors at JMU. Although I think he is getting a bit tired from all of the traveling. He heads back to the Old Pueblo (Tucson) tonight. Next week he is off to Ohio and Capitol University. And we just found out that St. Francis University in Pennsylvania wants him to come out for a campus visit also. So it looks like another trip East for Paul.

I'll try to get some pictures while we are in Colorado and post them soon. Off to chase the Natalie!


berlak said...

Let's see some more pics of Nat in the snow!