Monday, July 27, 2009

Quick Update

We are in South Carolina! We closed on the house on Friday of last week and have been busy ever since. We have primed our bedroom and completed the painting of our bathroom. Last night we painted Natalie's room, although we ran out of paint on the second coat so I will be making our 4th trip to Lowe's today. Paul's parents arrived yesterday to help. Paul and his Dad are going to rip out the cabinets in our bathroom (our sinks are only 29 inches high right now) this morning and then while Natalie naps, the 4 of us will work on painting our bedroom. Our new cabinets arrive tomorrow morning so Paul and his Dad will install them tomorrow.

On a funny note, as much as I complained about things not being open early in Tucson, we tried to go to Lowe's yesterday at 10:30am. Well...being in the Bible belt...Lowe's doesn't open until 1:30pm on Sunday. So we decided to just go to Super Walmart. The grocery and pharmacy areas where open, but the rest of the store was roped off...until 1:30pm! That will take some getting use to!!!

Natalie is LOVING the yard and plays in the pine needles every day. I will post up pictures soon. Paul just came back with breakfast so I am off to start another day of work!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Joy of Bubble Wrap

The video says it all....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

When Quiet is a Bad Thing...

So Paul and I were packing up Natalie's room today and letting her have the run of the house while we did it. Now 99% of the time the door to our room is closed, but today it was open. Paul went to put something in our closet, and he heard splashing and giggling. Here's what he found:

p.s. 99.9% of the time our bathroom door is closed and the toilet lid is down. But Natalie has been very curious about the potty lately, especially flushing and the lid!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Week from Hell

So the last week has definitely been the most trying week of our lives. Natalie still has her double ear infection and ran a fever on July 4th. Was a little better on the 5th in terms of the fever. I left at 5am on the 6th for SC to close on the house. Long story short on that. I came home on Wednesday without closing on the house. Our mortgage company couldn't get their act together, despite telling me and our real estate agent last week that everything was good to go. And poor Natalie had a horribly upset stomach from all the antibiotics plus severe diaper rash. Her butt was purple when I got home on Wednesday from the rash. So every time Paul changed her (which was about 50 times due to her stomach) , she screamed for about 1/2 an hour afterwards. So they had a miserable time with both of them feeling poorly while I was gone.

So now the plan is my parents arrive here on the 16th to help. The movers come on the 20th to get all of our stuff. Nat and my parents are flying to TX on the 21st and Paul and I are driving to TX on the 21st. Paul and my Dad will drive to Atlanta on the 22nd and SC on the 23rd. Nat and I will fly to SC on the 23rd and we will close on the 24th. My dad will leave on the 25th. Paul's parents will arrive on the 26th and our furniture will be delivered sometime between the 27th and Aug 1. So ready for this all to be over and to own the house. WAY too much stress for me.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Not the Best Fourth of July

Poor Natalie still has her double ear infections. So on top of having to go for 2 rounds of antibiotic shots this week and having to do another round of oral antibiotics, today she woke up groggy and puny. We went out for lunch with Paul's work and Natalie started running on a fever. So we've been keeping a close eye on her. Of course, she has never run a fever before and Mommy is going out of town on Monday to go close on the house, so Natalie had to get sick! Hopefully she will be better tomorrow so I won't feel so guilty leaving her! The first set of pictures were taken yesterday (July 3rd) when she was in a better mood because we had been to Pump It Up. We went over to the Krause's for dinner last night so Natalie wore a pretty little dress. The final picture shows her in her cute 4th of July dress but feeling pretty poorly. Ended up just letting her run around in a pair of shorts to try to get her temperature down. Hope everyone else had a nice 4th. We're off to watch the fireworks on TV!!!

So excited after Pump It Up

Rock Star Sunglasses

Pretty Princess Dress for Dinner

Natalie's new favorite expression..when I do it back to her,
she gets laughing so hard she can't do it anymore...hilarious!!

Feeling poorly on 4th of July

Mom's Night Out

So some of my bestest Mom friends and I went out to BJ's Brewhouse for dinner and drinks as a farewell. We went a few weeks before the move since things are about to get really hectic here! Here are a few pictures of me with the girls!

Kiersten, Debbie, Me and Elyse

Alisha, Cori, Me, Tamzin and Heather