Monday, July 27, 2009

Quick Update

We are in South Carolina! We closed on the house on Friday of last week and have been busy ever since. We have primed our bedroom and completed the painting of our bathroom. Last night we painted Natalie's room, although we ran out of paint on the second coat so I will be making our 4th trip to Lowe's today. Paul's parents arrived yesterday to help. Paul and his Dad are going to rip out the cabinets in our bathroom (our sinks are only 29 inches high right now) this morning and then while Natalie naps, the 4 of us will work on painting our bedroom. Our new cabinets arrive tomorrow morning so Paul and his Dad will install them tomorrow.

On a funny note, as much as I complained about things not being open early in Tucson, we tried to go to Lowe's yesterday at 10:30am. Well...being in the Bible belt...Lowe's doesn't open until 1:30pm on Sunday. So we decided to just go to Super Walmart. The grocery and pharmacy areas where open, but the rest of the store was roped off...until 1:30pm! That will take some getting use to!!!

Natalie is LOVING the yard and plays in the pine needles every day. I will post up pictures soon. Paul just came back with breakfast so I am off to start another day of work!


Katy Lane said...

Keep up the good work. How exciting to be fixing up YOUR new house! We can't wait to see pictures. =)