Saturday, April 25, 2009

Natalie and Claire

Today Natalie's friend Claire came over to play while her parents went out. Nat and Claire had fun at the park in the swings and enjoying all of Natalie toys. Below are some pictures of the two girls.

Natalie checking out Claire's bib:

"Whatever is it...we didn't do it"

Claire and Dusty the vacuum:

Claire in Natalie's tunnel:

Sharing one of Natalie's Balls:

Friday, April 24, 2009

Tucson Children's Museum

Today Natalie and I visited the Tucson Children's Museum for the first time with some of our Meetup Mom friends! Natalie had a great time! She especially loved the police motorcycle and the fire truck. We will definitely have to visit there more often before we move on the days when it is just too hot to go outside!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Incredible Inflatable Playground

We went to Pump It Up again this week! Nat just LOVES the place...and so does Paul! Here are a few videos of Natalie going down the big herself!

And a few more pictures from PIU!

Monday, April 20, 2009

2 More Videos

These videos are a bit more recent. The first one is Natalie trying to put on her bunny ears. In the second, we have a dove's nest in the rafters of our front porch. A baby dove tried to fly out of the nest and crashed into our window. Natalie LOVED that it was so close to the window! It was terrified of her! If you look closely, you'll see the little grey bird close to the window!


So here are a few videos of Natalie from the past few months.

These videos are of Natalie playing in a fort I made her out of our loveseat. She had a blast playing in it.

This video is Natalie playing outside in our yard and telling us different animal sounds.

This video is Natalie dancing to the Backyardigans and laughing when Uniqua (yes, that's one of the character's names) trips.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Collegiate Allegiances

So today Natalie was sporting a James Madison University (Paul's alma mater) t-shirt. She later decided to wear my Southwestern University jacket. She just needed something from Texas A&M to finish our college trifecta!


The Easter Bunny made his way to our house. He brought Natalie a lot of fun things to play with!

Also in her Easter basket were a stuffed bunny from Great-Aunt Pam, a bear dressed as a bunny from Great-Nana, and a duckie watering can from Nana that Mommy got at her baby shower! We also recycled a bunny from Grammy from last year.

The Easter Bunny left Natalie some eggs filled with goldfish and some eggs filled with marshmallows. Natalie LOVED the marshmallows.

We also recycled her bunny ears from last Easter.

Last Easter

This Easter

Cake Creations

A few of the moms from my Mom's group came over on Saturday to learn how to make Marshmellow fondant! They were super creative with the cakes and they all came out great!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What's New

Sorry for the long delay in posting but it's been busying around here. My parents came to visit last week. We went to Tombstone since none of us have ever been there. My dad got to enjoy a few rounds of golf! Paul and I went out to dinner alone for the first time in 17 months. We also got to enjoy an afternoon alone at our gourmet dinner club monthly meal.

Natalie and I went to a place called "My Gym" this week with the mom's group. It's sort of like Gymboree but I like this place much better. More unstructured free time, less creepy singing!!! I'm including a few pictures below. Today Paul, Natalie and I went with a few moms on a 4 mile hike through Sabino Canyon. Really beautiful walk and Natalie didn't complain that much about being in the stroller for 2 hours. Both Paul and Natalie got a little color while we were there, but I am still my pasty white!

This weekend I am showing some of the moms how to make marshmallow fondant to cover cakes. I will try to get some pictures while they are here. So I have been making batched of fondant for them to experiment with and will bake some cakes for them to cover tomorrow. That's about it from Tucson for now! Enjoy the pictures!