Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Trains, Trains and more Trains

Natalie has become obsessed with Thomas the Train. So we found her a second-hand set of tracks and got her a few cars (which she only really likes the real Thomas one since none of the other have faces!!). We also found a train table on Craigslist. Got it really cheap. Only drawback was it was painted fire engine red. So I spent a few days out in the garage with some "Cabin Plank" brown paint. We put it all together for her last night and she loves it!

Train table as listed on craigslist

Playing with our new tracks

Trying out the coffee table as a train table

Newly painted and improved train table


Julie said...

That's GREAT that you found it on craigslist. I looked for one and was shocked at how expensive they are new.

Laura said...

yeah..the Thomas stuff is insane. Got this one for $30 plus $10 for paint. TOTALLY worth it!