Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Random Happenings

Great Natalie quotes this week: "I'm hiding Uncle AJ" and "Daddy teaches nap". Guess she thought the word math was the word nap, but I hope she doesn't think that math is boring!

Startwd teaching my stats class last night. I had 4 semesters of Stats in college and I still don't like it...Now I am teaching it! As my good friend Jay once told me, "it's not Statistics, it's sadistics" and I totally agree.

Natalie is going to be a cupcake for Halloween. Her costume is complete and she loves it. Every time we pass anything Halloween she says "It's not scary..it's a costume. I have a costume. I'm going to be a cuppy-cake"

Uncle AJ came to visit and Natalie wrapped him around her finger! So cute to see how much she loves her Uncle!

One month from today I will have a 3 year old!

Natalie is currently into the old Hap Palmer "Witches' Brew" song and Brave Combo!


Julie said...

Love this post!! She's so cute and I can't wait to see the costume!! (Love the new background by the way)

The Witches Brew??? Like from Bowie?

Something, something, something, something,
Something, something too.
Stir them in my witch's brew, I got magic. Ala kazam kazoo.

Am I close??? :)

Laura said...

EXACTLY!!! She knows most of the words now..course we hear it about 6 times on the way to school and 6 times on the way each day!