Monday, October 3, 2011

Dr's Report

I have no idea how many days of bedrest I've had. It's been a week so 7 or 8 I guess. Baby shower was really nice yesterday. We got lots of nice things for Miss Fiona from the ladies at church along with a few other friends who had dropped gifts by or mailed them. Went to the doctor today. Still not dilated but 50% effacement and she's at -2 station. Dr really wants me to go to 37 weeks (so another week and a half) but we will see what God and Fiona have on their agenda. I am still on bedrest (ugh!). Getting lots of sewing done and catching up on Downton Abbey. Loving streaming Netflix right now and a Blu-ray player that can handle it!

Natalie has a boyfriend! He goes to school with her and his name is Landon. They were holding hands at school on Friday! Seems like both girls are gonna be a handful for their Daddy in about 13 years (if not sooner!)