Monday, September 26, 2011

Bed Rest Day 1

So I woke up at 1:30 this morning with awful pain in my stomach - like the organ not my intestines. Figured it was heartburn or indigestion since it was so far under my ribs. Would cramp up and release but figured there was NO WAY it was Miss Fiona. Called my dr's office when they opened and they managed to fit me in an hour later. Told him what was going on. Had my normal check-up with Fiona measuring at 35 weeks (actual gestational age was 34 weeks, 3 days) and my blood pressure was nice and low. Decided to do a pelvic exam. He told me that my cervix was still closed (yay!) but that he had felt me have a contraction. Said he thought maybe the pain was my gall bladder. Since I got rid of mine in 1999, that seemed highly unlikely!!

Instead I got my first glimpse of the labor and delivery floor at our hospital. They hooked me up to a monitor that measures fetal heartrate, uterine contractions, and all that fun stuff! After a million questions, they left me watch TV and Paul (who had been teaching) finished up his classes and came to keep me company. (I told him to finish his classes since I knew I wasn't in "real" labor yet!)

2 hrs of monitoring later, they told me that I had tested positive on the fetal fibronectin test which indicated preterm labor. Also I had four REAL contractions in an hr of monitoring and had earned myself bedrest! Luckily I didn't have 6 of them or I would have had bedrest in the hospital. So I was sent home with directions to only get out of bed (or the recliner or couch) to go the bathroom or take a fast shower.

So I spent the rest of the day watching TV and lying down. As most of you know, I am not a sit-still kinda person so this has been a hard day. Luckily, I am also a prepare-ahead person so Fiona's room is done, bags are almost completely packed for hospital, carseat is in the car, and we are ready whenever Fiona is!

Hoping to make it through the Cowboys game tonight but not sure I can stay awake. My mom is flying in tomorrow to help out and Dad will drive out once we know for sure what is going on. I go back to the doctor on Wednesday for another check-up. The contractions have slowed to 1-2 per hr so hopefully Fiona will stay in the womb and bit more and grow a bit more. I'd love to make it to at least 37 weeks.